Saturday, March 19, 2016

Breakfast Food


First, I made these cute pancakes. I love eating pancakes for breakfast! Especially when they have strawberries and blueberries on them. The one on the left is three pancakes stacked and has white drizzle on top of the pancakes. It is topped off with some rainbow sprinkles. The pancakes on the right has a face made of whipped cream as the center of the eyes, nose, and mouth/smile. It has strawberries as the eyes and blueberries for the mouth/smile. I was inspired to make this piece by a youtuber and I will put the link to her tutorial below.


Corn Flakes Cereal
Second, I made some corn flakes cereal. I personally don't like corn flakes but I think they look awesome whenever you make them from clay. I basically used white acrylic paint for the milk and I used bronze and apricot clay for the corn flakes. I added in the blueberries which are self-explanatory. Then, I sliced some fruit canes for the strawberries. I was inspired by a youtuber to make this piece and the link for the tutorial will be down below.


Cinnamon Rolls
Third, I made my favorite, cinnamon rolls!!! I love eating cinnamon rolls for breakfast or even dessert! I got some apricot clay and brown clay and I put them together and rolled them until they formed the basic shape. Then, I added the white drizzle with acrylic paint. I was inspired to make these from a youtuber's tutorial that I will put the link to below.


Fourth, I made some pop-tarts. I love eating pop-tarts for breakfast because they are super sweet! I made the basic rectangle shape with indents on the perimeter of the pop-tarts.    Then, I added the frosting and then the sprinkles. I was inspired to make these pieces by a youtuber and I will link the tutorial down below.


Cocoa Puffs and Trix Cereal
Fifth, I made cocoa puffs and trix cereal. I love eating cocoa puffs! But, trix cereal, I don't really like it that much but it is pretty good. I made these by putting acrylic paint into the bowl for the milk and then adding the different colors of the cereal. The reason why it looks like there are so many indents in it is because when I took it out of the oven the paint had a big air bubble in it and I had to push it down as far as I could without breaking the paint into smaller pieces. I was inspired to make this piece by a youtube's tutorial that I will put a link to down below.


Breakfast Toast
Sixth, I made four different jams with toast. I love eating toast and jelly for breakfast! The top left has strawberry jam, the top right has Nutella, the bottom left has strawberry puffy jam, and the bottom right has grape jelly on it. I was inspired to make these pieces by a youtuber's tutorial that I will put a link to down below.


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